Afghani [æf'ɡæni;-'ɡɑ:-]  


Afghani  [æf'ɡæni;-'ɡɑ:-]

n. 阿富汗尼(阿富汗货币单位)  adj. 阿富汗的 


All of this is bad news for Pakistani markets - and really bleak news for Afghani President Hamid Karzai and NATO troops stationed in his country. 所有这些都是巴基斯坦的坏消息,对于阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊驻扎在此的北约军队来说也是令人心寒的新闻。
"In Afghani communities, it is impossible to talk direct enemy to enemy. In Afghan tradition, we have totally independent people between two parties," said Aminzai. 他说:“在阿富汗的社区,敌人之间是不可能直接谈判的。传统上,我们有完全独立于这两个政治派别的人。”

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  • n. 阿富汗尼(阿富汗货币单位)
  • adj. 阿富汗的
  • 1. All of this is bad news for Pakistani markets - and really bleak news for Afghani President Hamid Karzai and NATO troops stationed in his country.


  • 2. "In Afghani communities, it is impossible to talk direct enemy to enemy. In Afghan tradition, we have totally independent people between two parties," said Aminzai.


  • 3. By raising awareness of the Afghani treasures lost, found, and — perhaps most importantly — still out there waiting to be recovered, that end may prove to be a new beginning.

    提高人们对阿富汗丢失和找回的宝物的注意——或许这是最重要的,——还需要做很多的事,这种结局或许是一个新的开端。 ( ——求指点,译者。

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