ADHD 英 [ˌeɪ di: eɪtʃ ˈdi:]  


ADHD  英 [ˌeɪ di: eɪtʃ ˈdi:]

abbr. 注意力不集中症( attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ) 


For certain kids, this problem is so severe that doctors have a name for it: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. 对某些孩子来说,这个问题尤其严重,医生将之命名为注意力不足型多动症,简称为ADHD。
Perhaps the threshold for attaining a diagnosis of ADHD will be lower for your children: it's a condition, like many others, with a notably flexible diagnostic boundary. 也许对你的孩子来说确诊为 ADHD 的界限会降低:这是一种病症,和许多其他病症一样,确诊界限有着很大的弹性。

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  • abbr. 注意力不集中症( attention deficit hyperactivity disorder )
  • 1. For certain kids, this problem is so severe that doctors have a name for it: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.


  • 2. Perhaps the threshold for attaining a diagnosis of ADHD will be lower for your children: it's a condition, like many others, with a notably flexible diagnostic boundary.

    也许对你的孩子来说确诊为 ADHD 的界限会降低:这是一种病症,和许多其他病症一样,确诊界限有着很大的弹性。

  • 3. Coming from a family on welfare benefits increased the risk of ADHD medication by 135 percent when compared with households not claiming benefits.


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