-led [led]  


-led  [led]

suff. 表示“由…引导的”;表示“(主要)受…影响的” 

This paper introduces the development of LED technology and materials and the characteristics of UB-led. 介绍了发光二极管(LED)工艺与材料的发展过程和超高亮度发光二极管(UB-LED)的性能特点。
Where some print technologies only work with flexible media, UV and UV-led can be used with many different substrates, including specialty substrates such as glass and wood. 有些喷印技术只能用于灵活的介质,而UV和UV-LED可以用于多种不同的介质,包括特殊介质,例如玻璃和木制品。

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  • suff. 表示“由…引导的”;表示“(主要)受…影响的”
  • 1. This paper introduces the development of LED technology and materials and the characteristics of UB-led.


  • 2. Where some print technologies only work with flexible media, UV and UV-led can be used with many different substrates, including specialty substrates such as glass and wood.


  • 3. At this meeting, Shenzhen, Yi-an associated company are solar lighting (PV-led) products are the builders of the phase.


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