


abbr. 瞬时弹性复原(Instantaneous Elastic Recovery);离子交换树脂(Ion-Exchange resin);环境研究所(Institute for Environmental Research) 

The OV-3 is a matrix of IERs that collectively represent the needlines of the OV-2. OV-3 是共同地表示 OV-2 的需求线的 IER 矩阵。
Each IER's content represents an instantiation of an OV-6c IO Entity class (see below), where the attributes represent the data characteristics that the DoDAF requires. 每个 IER 的内容都表示 OV-6c IO 实体类(见下)的实例,在此,属性表示 DoDAF 需要的数据特征。

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  • abbr. 瞬时弹性复原(Instantaneous Elastic Recovery);离子交换树脂(Ion-Exchange resin);环境研究所(Institute for Environmental Research)
  • 1. The OV-3 is a matrix of IERs that collectively represent the needlines of the OV-2.

    OV-3 是共同地表示 OV-2 的需求线的 IER 矩阵。

  • 2. Each IER's content represents an instantiation of an OV-6c IO Entity class (see below), where the attributes represent the data characteristics that the DoDAF requires.

    每个 IER 的内容都表示 OV-6c IO 实体类(见下)的实例,在此,属性表示 DoDAF 需要的数据特征。

  • 3. Each row in the OV-3 matrix represents an IER, which is made up of characteristics of the data transferred between roles and objects in an interaction from the OV-6c sequence diagrams.

    OV-3 矩阵中的每一行表示一个 IER,由在 OV-6c 序列图的交互中的角色和对象间转移的数据的特征组成。

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