-gram 英 [ɡ'ræm]   美 [ɡ'ræm]


-gram  英 [ɡ'ræm] 美 [ɡ'ræm]

n. 克;鹰嘴豆(用作饲料) 

Rengoku pits mobile gamers against hordes of enemies as GRAM, a cyborg searching for the truth behind his existence. 《炼狱》让手机玩家抵抗游牧部落的敌人,主角是GRAM-一个要去寻找被掩盖的事实背后真相的半机械人。
Often head offices will send out elaborate plans of where everything has to be placed; Albertsons, a big American supermarket chain, calls these a “plan-a-gram”. 总部往往会为每件事物如何布置制作精心设计的计划;美国一家大型超市连锁机构,Albertsons公司将其称之为“plan-a-gram”。

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  • n. 克;鹰嘴豆(用作饲料)
  • 1. Rengoku pits mobile gamers against hordes of enemies as GRAM, a cyborg searching for the truth behind his existence.


  • 2. Often head offices will send out elaborate plans of where everything has to be placed; Albertsons, a big American supermarket chain, calls these a “plan-a-gram”.


  • 3. Wang Liang, a computer scientist at SOSO.com, one of the big three search engines in China, says the trick is to segment the words into "n-grams, " words that are n letters long.


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