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- art. 一(在元音字母前)
1. L-3 Communications announced today that it will provide AN/PSS-14 mine detection systems and accessories to the U.S. Army.
[据美国ASD网络网站2008年4月8日报道] L-3通信公司日前宣布,将向美国陆军提供第四代全速率探测器--AN/PSS-14探雷器系统及附件。
2. Only China, Japan, Vietnam, Portugal, and few other countries, were given a suffix -ese, which perhaps has something offensive inside.
3. The Bush-Clinton Houston Tsunami Fund will contribute up to $1 million to the United Nations' "adopt-an-island" program in the Maldives.
布什-克林顿海啸基金休斯敦项目将向联合国在马尔代夫群岛的"认帮一个岛"计划(adopt-an-island program)提供多达100万美元。
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